Quarterly Giveaway – BSU vs BYU Tickets! (Just 1 More Week!)

Brookdale Dental Boise Idaho Giveaway BSU BYU 2083730018

Alright folks, you read it correctly! Just one more week to get in our our Giveaway, which includes 2 tickets for the upcoming BSU vs BYU game here in Boise, and all the fan gear you will need to go along with it!  Seating is right near the front! Game day is October 20, 2016. We will be drawing our winners on Wednesday, Oct. 12th!

Not a patient of Dr. Barney’s? That’s okay! This is a giveaway open to friends and family of our patients as well, so don’t hesitate to get in on the action!

If you haven’t already entered, here is what you do. Remember you must complete each step in order for your entry to be valid:


Visit our Facebook Page for the original post!

For up to 3 MORE ENTRIES, you can:

  1. Refer a Patient
  2. Like our Facebook Page
  3. Leave a us a Google Review (Patients Only)

That is a possibility of up to 4 ENTRIES per person, so tell your family and friends!

We know who Brookdale Dental will be rooting for!

Brookdale Dental Boise Idaho BSU Giveaway

We will contact the winners via Facebook, so stay tuned!

Check out our website https://brookdaledentalboise.com

Check Out Our New Promotion!

Fall is officially in full swing here in Boise, and we want to celebrate! We at Brookdale Dental have an exciting promo running this month that you won’t want to miss out on!

Brookdale Dental Boise Idaho Promo 2083730018

That is right! Book any treatment this month, and receive %50 off the cost of IV Sedation!

Please don’t hesitate to give us a call for more details, or to book your appointment today! 208-373-0018.

You can also request an appointment online at https://brookdaledentalboise.com/contact-/.

For more information on IV Sedation and what it entails, follow this link https://brookdaledentalboise.com/is-sedation-dentistry-right-for-you/. Here, our own Dr. Eric Barney explains what IV Sedation is, and why it just might be the perfect option for you!

We hope you all have a great October. Stay tuned for the announcement of our BSU vs. BYU ticket winners next week! If you haven’t gotten in on this giveaway, visit our previous post https://brookdaledentalboise.com/quarterly-giveaway-get-up-to-3-more-entries/.

Brushing your Toddlers Teeth – Awesome Tips and Tricks!

Toddler Teeth Brushing, Brookdale Dental, Family Dentistry, Boise Idaho

Helping your toddler brush their teeth can be challenging to say the least. However, it is  important to instill good brushing skills and habits at a young age, so don’t give up! If you are struggling to get those cute little mouths clean, consider trying some of these awesome tips and tricks.

  1. Mirror Mom & Dad – Children have an innate desire to copy what others do, so having them watch you brush your teeth, as well as any older siblings already in the habit, can work wonders at introducing the task at hand.
  2. Brush in the Bathtub – Parents have long noticed that for some reason children tend to protest the brushing of their teeth less while in the bathtub getting bathed. Perhaps it is the regimen of bathing that helps, or the idea of getting cleaned that assists the child in getting over the obstacle.
  3. Make it a Game – Try brushing for a few seconds in the child’s mouth, then a few seconds on the “mouth” of a stuffed animal, or toy. This seems to cut back on the stress of brushing for a few minutes all at once.
  4. Sing a Song – Make up a song while your brushing! Use this opportunity to make them laugh, and use brushing as the canvas for a song to keep them in the mood.
  5. Scavenger Hunt – Talk about finding their favorite toys, characters and food in their mouths, and children seem to forget you’re invading of their mouth with this giant torture device.
  6. Empower you child -Some of us have children that want to do everything on their own. Well, here’s a chance to let them take a stab at doing just that. If your kid is the type of individual who likes to do everything without assistance, let ’em try their hand at brushing. But be sure that independence doesn’t come without supervision.

To see where these tips came from and learn even more about toddler teeth brushing, check out this article, https://www.patientconnect365.com/DentalHealthTopics/Article/Teach_Me_How_to_Brushy_6_Toddler_Training_Tips.

Here at Brookdale Dental, we are happy to help you with any of your dental concerns. To schedule a cleaning for you or your children, give us a call at (208)373-0018, visit our webiste, or stop in a visit us at our office in Boise Idaho!