No Dental Insurance, no Problem, ask about our in-house Wellness Plan. The coverage with our in-house plan is all inclusive and very affordable. A great option for family’s who do not have a current benefit plan that covers dental. Compare the cost. You will find our benefit plan to be more affordable than many plans that cover dental. There are many benefits (see table below) and the best aspect is no hassling with a 3rd party when it comes to your dental health. Call us at Brookdale Dental 373-0018 and see if what we offer is right for you.

Brookdale Wellness Plan Traditional Dental Benefit Plan
100% Coverage for Preventive Care Yes Yes
No Annual Deductible Yes No
No Maximum Benefit Payout Limit Yes No
No Restrictions on Coverage Yes No
No Waiting Period on Select Dental Procedures Yes No
Annual Renewal Yes Yes