Repair Bone and Tissue
Modern dentistry and oral surgery have come a long way. Understanding the principles of wound healing now allows for regeneration of bone to occur using a variety of techniques. Most include opening the gingival (gum) tissues to expose the bone and then augmenting the existing or remaining bone by adding bone grafting materials to it. Healing of the grafted material can be enhanced by the utilization of “guided bone regeneration” membranes which cover the grafts and act like little band-aids to cover the bone and prevent the gums from growing into the place before the bone has time to change and grow, this membrane promotes and enhances healing. Bone regeneration can also be done to preserve bone following tooth removal for future implant placement. Bone regeneration is also used to augment bone growth with-in the maxilary sinus to aid in implant pacement and stability. Bone regeneration and augmentation is often done with a high degree of predictability and success. Ask us if Bone regeneration is for you.